Thursday, August 10, 2017

Skin care with Halal cosmetics!

 Halal Cosmetics

Similar to many small and specialized section of the industries in the market, many of the beauty markets has also drew its attention towards making their beauty products Halal. The need for Halal cosmetics came into account because of the use of animal derived ingredients such as pork gelatine, collagen and keratin in their products. There were also products that affected the skin and body because of the use of alcohol in their products. Both of this i.e animal derived ingredients and alcohol contents are considered as unlawful (Haram) for a Muslim to use. Muslims are found to be in ‘wudu’ (ablution) condition most of the time. Using the products containing this unlawful (Haram) substances prevents water to seep inside their skin which makes their ‘wudu’ (ablution) invalid. According to Thomson Reuters, Muslim around the globe are expected to grow to $73 billion in 2 years for halal cosmetics.

Looking at this problem, many of the cosmetic practitioners have tried to make their foundation in the Halal Cosmetics. Not only this the Halal cosmetic products have increased their market very rapidly, which has bought a positive impact in the minds of investors and a number of investors have started investing in Halal cosmetics. Halal cosmetics mainly attract a large population of Muslim crowd who has religious and ethically conscious and preventive. It does not use any of the animal derived ingredients or alcohol substances that goes against the Islamic rules. It is thus prepared in the Islamic way for the interest of Muslims.

Not only Muslims but consumers in general who are ethically conscious want such products which are free from the use of animal derived ingredients and other substances which harms someone’s skin. They also agree with the Muslim conventional policies of using Halal Product which are pure, safe and of high quality. There are number harmful chemical substances which are added in small amount to improve or preserve the product which includes Mercury and Hydroquinone, substances known to deteriorate skin. In addition to this, the halal cosmetics industry observes the needs of a more demographic as opposed to halal food.

A large number of Muslim beauty bloggers and loggers have acted as a catalyst in the production of Halal Cosmetics all around the globe. Also, the number of hijabi representation in front of the world stage has increased leading to motivate the brands to make plans which involve Halal Products. This can specially be seen in countries like Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. A number of Malaysian artists are founders of their very own cosmetics brands that are all certified as halal by the JabatanKemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM).

Things are going strong with the introduction of Halal products in the globe market. Halal Cosmetics is witnessing the growth and support which has never been seen before. For all the cosmetics and makeup wearer you can definitely wait and look ahead to more of Halal products launching soon in the market.